Mission and Values

The Cairn

The stacking of stones as a means of marking the route from one place to another has been utilized since the beginnings of human history. Cairns provide a sense of direction for travellers through unknown places as pillars of clarity and validation for finding their pathway when it would have otherwise been lost.

We adopted the symbol of a cairn as a reminder of how significant a marker can be when you have lost your way. We believe in utilizing the wisdom and direction of those who have been these ways before, to learn from their successes and failures, and to be conduits of hope and guidance for those who are yet to embark on this important journey of self-discovery.

Our Soul

Our mission is to empower those afflicted by mental health and substance use disorders to learn to work with and overcome life’s obstacles. Anyone who has experienced these afflictions knows, it can often feel like we lose a part of our soul when we abuse substances. Our purpose is to help those recover the parts of their soul they may have lost in their struggle with addiction.

Our Values

Behind every great organization are strong core values. We review all our decisions in Soulful Recovery with the following values in mind:

Create a physically and emotionally safe environment for everyone we interact with

We, Us and Our accomplishes more than Me, Mine and I

Be malleable

No one is beyond help

Maintain compassion, empathy and tolerance amid fear, emotional dysregulation and/or disagreement

Communicate thoughtfully and intentionally

Have the courage to be honest and truthful, to yourself and others

We strive to uphold these values in all our interactions
with both clients and co-workers.

Find Your Way Today...


At Soulful Recovery, we remain committed to providing our clients with a physically and emotionally safe environment. We believe that a safe space is the fundamental pillar to process the underlying conditions for one’s substance use and mental health struggles.