
Insurance Verification Information

In our efforts to increase accessibility and decrease barriers to care, Soulful Recovery intends to go in-network with medicaid and commercial insurance companies in the states that we serve. If you have PPO insurance, interested in our private pay rates or want to verify that we can take your insurance, we’ve included a form below. You can also contact us directly to speak with one of our qualified representatives for any further questions you may have.

If you would like to skip the process described above, you can submit your insurance information through the form below:

Once you fill out this insurance verification form, someone from our admissions team will contact you to discuss your insurance benefits and the next steps to securing treatment. Feel free to reach out at any point with your questions, or if you need help completing this information.

Insurance Verification

Patient Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

We’re proud to be in-network with:


If you don’t see your plan listed here, please reach out, as we may have not updated this list yet. With so many plans available it’s best to utilize the insurance verification process to get the most accurate answers about what your insurance will cover. We are happy to go over this process with you. Contact Us to learn more.

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